
Crafts from my heart to yours!

Archive for the month “December, 2011”

Gingerbread Wooden Spoon

Gingerbread Wooden Spoon Instructions

I love wooden spoons – always have – I used to play with them all the time as a kid and now I rather stir with one than anything else!
So when I saw wooden spoons at the Dollar Tree at 4 for only a buck I just HAD to have some to see what I could come up to make with them.
And this was so super easy to make with two of my favorite crafting materials – punches and Mod Podge!


  • Wooden spoon
  • Mod Podge
  • Gingerbread punch
  • Small heart punches
  • Torn fabric strip about 20 inches long
  • Paint brush or cotton swab
  • Ornament hanger


  1. Start with a wooden spoon with a short handle.  Either purchase one with a short handle or cut the handle of a longer wooden spoon off and sand the top.
  2. Glue the paper/cardstock gingerbread punch to the back of the spoon bowl with Mod Podge.  Glue the embellishments on the gingerbread man.  Glue hearts in an arc above the gingerbread man.
  3. Paint over the punches with Mod Podge.  Cover the entire back of the spoon.  I used gold Glitter Mod Podge for a little glitz.
  4. Allow to dry and apply a second coat.  Dry.
  5. Apply Mod Podge to the spoon handle.  Wrap the fabric strips around the handle starting at the bottom.  Alternate wrapping the strips in a loose criss-cross pattern.  Stopping wrapping about 2 inches from the top of the spoon and tie a bow.  Insert a hanger under the ribbon on the back of the spoon before you tie the bow.

Thanks for taking a look at my gingerbread craft tutorial.  I’d love to hear from you!


COOKIE CUTTERS: NOT JUST FOR COOKIES ANYMORE!: POST #3 – Quilted” Cookie Cutter Shape Christmas Ornament

“Quilted” Cookie Cutter Shape Christmas Ornament:  Don’t sew but like the look of fabric ornaments?  Then try this project a “no sew” alternative to making a fabric look ornament.  This is my take on a crazy quilt gingerbread man.  This is a great way to use up all those to small to sew fabric peices and snips.  You can make this ornament in any color to match your tree’s or the room’s color scheme.  I choose to use coordinating Christmas fabrics to make mine.  This is an easy craft for kids.

  1. Trace a simple shape cookie cutter on stiff cardboard and cut it out.
  2. Cut fabric into small strips or pieces.
  3. Coat the front of the cardboard shape with a thin coat of glue.
  4. Next place the fabric pieces in a crazy quilt fashion overlapping as necessary.
  5. Apply more glue to stick the edges of the fabric pieces completely down.
  6. Allow about an inch of the fabric to overlap the edges.
  7. After the front is dry, turn over and pull the fabric overlap tightly over the edges of the shape and glue down.
  8. Next “quilt” the back or glue on cardstock, brown paper, felt or fabric.  Let dry.  Then trim the edges.  Depending on the thickness of the cardboard you used for the shape, you may need to reinforce the ornament with an additional layer of cardboard.  You may also “double mat” your ornament (shown).
  9. Punch a hole in the top of the ornament and string ribbon through the hole for a hanger.
  10. Decorate front with ribbon, buttons, jingle bells, rick rack, etc.  Let dry and then hang on tree, wreath, or garland.  Also makes a great package decoration.

Apply the fabric peices in a quilt pattern. Can use any small peice/strip quilt pattern in miniature - crazy, tobacco, etc.

Pull the overlapping edges tightly around to the back of the ornament and secure with glue. Allow to dry.

After you pull the edges of the fabric around to the back and secure, glue on a backing or cardstock, fabric, brown paper, or felt. Then trim the edges with pinking shears or decorative edge sissors.

Add embellishments to the front. For this gingerbread man I cut “icing steps” from white craft foam using zigzag scissors, buttons, ribbon and a ingle bell. You can use anything you have in your craft closet.

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I made these sometimes in the late 1980’s. They last a long time too! Sand the back of the ornamment or “paint” it with cinnamon oil to renew the scent.
I made this ornament in 1990 and you can see it still looks great! Store these carefully and they will last a long, long time!

This continues my series of posts on crafty uses for cookie cutters. Today’s post is about making dough ornaments using non-edible dough. I have not tried all the dough recipes yet but will post my tried & true recipes and tips for salt and cinnamon dough separate posts.

I have not tried the applesauce dough ornaments yet but have bought some – and do they smell great! Here is a url of a site I found with 2 recipies plua a gingebread play dough recipe!


I also haven’t tried bread dough either – but this recipie looks super, super easy!


I’d love to hear your use and see photos of your projects with cookie cutters. Send photos to me at buggal1989@yahoo.com

Christmas Ornament, “Cut-Out Cookie”; Applesauce, Cinnamon, Salt, or Bread Dough:  Add some “cookies” to your “Cookie Cutter Christmas Tree”, wreath or garland by using cutters (mini are cute) to cut out some “homemade cookies” out of dough . 

  1. Mix up dough per instructions, roll the dough and then cut out with cookie cutters.
  2. Poke a small hole through the top of each one using a drinking straw and then bake or allow to air dry thoroughly per instructions (usually several days).
  3. Then decorate your ornaments with craft paints, rick rack, ribbons, sequins, small beads, etc.
  4. Let glue or paint dry overnight and then spray or paint with a multi-purpose sealer (do not seal applesauce or cinnamon ornaments).  Lightly sprinkle with glitter before sealer dries or use glitter spray if desired..  Allow to dry overnight and then string ribbon, jute, cord or raffia through the hole and hang to complete your “Cookie Cutter Christmas Tree, Wreath or Garland”!

Get Free Stuff On Listia

I have been gaga since June 23, 2011 about listia.com a site where you can get free stuff – well, you have to list your items and earn credits and THEN you can get free stuff.  What can you get?  Made craft items, items to make crafts with, vintage items, pretty much everything (except I haven’t seen a kitchen sink!).  Take a  look and start “trading” items today.

I am giving away:

  • BoBunny CatAtude Stickers (Cat, Meow, and More!)
  • Six Mini Feather Hair Clips/Earrings
  • Mini Peace Package: Stickers, Scrapbook Paper, Rick-rack, Ribbon, Blank Card, & More!

I will be listing soon:

  • Mystery Craft Lot:  Get Ready For Christmas 2012
  • Lot of 10 Sugar Cookie/Gingerbread/Christmas Craft Kits
  • Mardi Gras In An Envie!

Take a look and try it out.  I can send you an invite and you will  100 (200?) credits.

Altered Art: Gingerbread Santa Tree Topper

Altered Art Santa Tree TopperAltered Art:  Gingerbread Santa Tree Topper

I bought this Santa last year after Christmas for no more than 30 cents.  When I decided on having a “Gingerbread Christmas Cookie Tree” I just had to alter this little Santa. I bent his arms so he could carry a trio of gingerbread men, added a plaid patch (draw in stiches with a marker) to his suit, tucked a candy cane under one arm, glued a rick rack hem border and cookie accent (mini gingerbread ornament) on the other side of his suit, and glued a mini cookie cutter to his hat.

In the end I decided to use a gingerbread man as a topper so he is just hanging around (pun intended!).

Thanks for taking a look!


Cinnamon Dough Recipe

Cinnamon Dough Recipe

These are fun to make and long-lasting ornaments.  I have  cinnamon dough ornaments that were  made around 20 years ago (scent must be renewed periodically!) that still look great (they will darken with age).   The dough is very springy and fun to play with.   This is a great craft to do with your children.  You can make these ornaments for all seasons and holidays– Valentine’s Day (hearts), Christmas (seasonal shapes), Mother’s Day (hearts & flowers), Fourth of July (stars), etc. or just to hang from a hook in the kitchen (roosters, pigs, etc.).

As this takes a lot of cinnamon to make I usually look for a large container at Dollar Tree.  It would also be a great use for outdated cinnamon you would not care to use in baking.

The essential oils in this recipe may irritate your hands if they are very sensitive.  You may need to wear gloves.  I have never had a problem with it or seen anyone who has.

Of course, it goes without saying, these are not edible.


1 cup Ground Cinnamon
Extra Cinnamon to dust hands and surfaces
1 T each of Ground Cloves, Allspice, Cloves and Ginger*
1½ cups Elmer’s wood glue
1½ cups water warm water
1 tsp. or dropper of each of Cinnamon and Clove (or other baking scents) potpourri oil **
Whole cloves and whole allspice (optional)

* May substitute apple pie or pumpkin pie spice in place of  these spices (use 4 – 5 T of either)

** May substitute other complimentary fall scents

Additional Materials:

Glass Mixing bowl
Large wooden spoon
Waxed paper
Rolling pin
Cookie cutters
Cookie sheet covered with aluminum foil
Assorted ribbon, twine or raffia
Cold Melt Glue Gun
Decorations (ribbon roses, baby’s breath, statice, other dried flowers, glitter glue, fabric paint, etc.)

Instructions for Making Dough:

  1. Mix warm water and wood glue together in a bowl.
  2. Add 2 – 4 droppers (or tsp.) of potpourri oil.  I use cinnamon & clove. May substitute other complimentary fall scents such as apple pie, pumpkin pie, gingerbread, sugar cookies, etc.  Mix oils to your own taste (or smell rather), but add one scent at a time and do not use conflicting scents (ex: cinnamon and lavender would not be a good combination).
  3. Place dry ingredients in a glass bowl (a plastic bowl will retain the odor of the spices and may be stained).  May use apple pie or pumpkin pie spice in place of  other spices (use 4 – 5 tsp.).
  4. Pour the water/glue mixture slowly into the cinnamon, cloves, allspice, cloves and ginger mixing as you go.
  5. Dust hands with cinnamon.  Knead the mixture together by hand until it is smooth and resembles stretchy play dough.
  6. Add more cinnamon as needed to keep dough from sticking or to get the right consistency. Do not use flour! Do not taste or eat dough.
  7. Chill in refrigerator for about two hours.
  8. Divide into portions and work on one portion at a time.
  9. Sprinkle cinnamon on work surface and rolling-pin.
  10. Roll one portion out at a time using a rolling-pin to about a 1/4 inch thickness.
  11. Sprinkle cinnamon over rolled out dough and gently spread to make it easier to cut out shapes.
  12. Dust impression cookie cutters with cinnamon to avoid sticking.
  13. Cut out in various shapes with cookie cutters.
  14. May also make handmade shapes such as a braided wreath.  Roll out three snake shapes and braid together, then join in a circle or heart form on the wax paper.  Use glue and water mixture to seal ends, pressing lightly.  You will glue ribbon, baby’s breath or statice to cover joined edge.  In the language of flowers, statice symbolises remembrance.
  15. If you are making something with attachments, assemble on foil or waxed paper and brush the place of attachment and the back of the piece to be attached with a water glue mixture (you may need to re-glue the attachment after drying.
  16. With a straw, punch an opening at the top of the ornament well back from the edge.  Don’t use anything smaller than a straw as the hole will draw up when drying.
  17. If you want to add whole cloves or allspice to the piece, add them now by sticking the stem into the dough.
  18. Set the shapes aside on wax paper or aluminum foil on baking sheets for several days (2 to 7 days), until dry.   Allow them to dry flat.
  19. Turn over twice daily.  They are dry when the shapes are rock hard to the touch.
  20. This recipe yields about 2 dozen medium-sized shapes.
  21. When totally dry, peel off the wax paper or aluminum foil.

Instructions for Decorating Your Ornaments:

I prefer the natural look or primitive look for cinnamon ornaments, but you may make these as fancy as you please.

  • When thoroughly dry thread ribbon, raffia or twine through the hole and tie it off to make a hanger.  If the hole has closed up too small to thread anything to it, don’t cry – simply glue a ribbon or metal hanger (soda can tab) on the back and cover the “hole” on the front with a decoration.   Then decorate shape as desired.
  • Fabric paint adheres the best (puffy paint will add dimension to your craft).
  • Use berries, baby’s breath, statice, milkweed pods, small pinecones, lavender, and other dried flowers or potpourri to embellish the ornaments.  Attach with a cool melt glue gun.
  • Glitter glue will make beautiful ornaments with dimension.  Make fall leaves and outline the leaves and draw veins in with antique gold or bronze glitter glue.


  • You will need to refresh with oil periodically – “paint” oil on the back.  Also can sand the back of the ornament with an emery board to release more scent.
  • Use as name tags or package decorations on gifts as an extra present.
  • You may use these for kitchen decor, I have some of mine hanging from my Bakers Rack and shelf pegs in my kitchen.
  • Use gingerbread men or other shapes to decorate a grapevine wreath for your door.
  • These ornaments will shrink slightly in drying.

Salt Dough Recipe

This is a fun craft you can do with your children. Be sure to personalize the ornaments – write the creator’s  name and the date on the ornament with a fine tip permanent marker before sealing.

What you will need

Ingredients for Salt Dough

  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup salt
  • 1 and 1/2 cups warm water
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Cinnamon, powdered (optional)
  • Cloves, powdered (optional)
  • Ginger, powdered (optional)

Other Things You Will Need

  • Cookie cutters (outline cutters are the easiest to use, but I have with good results using impression cutters) or cookie presses
  • Baking sheet
  • Acrylic paint and paint brushes
  • Clear acrylic spray/sealer (matte or shiny, your choice)
  • Paper clips or wire ornament hangers
  • Any decorations to add to finished product (ex: ribbon,  coarse glitter, pompoms, dried flowers, fake greenery, 3D glitter glue etc.)
  • Old fashioned clothespins
  • Garlic press
  • Rolling pin or unopened soda cans
  • Craft glue
  • Rotary cutter


  1. Pre-heat oven to 250 degrees.
  2. Dissolve salt in warm water. Then add flour. To make colored dough add food coloring before adding flour. To make gingerbread men add 1/4 cup cinnamon and a Tbsp. of cloves and ginger before adding flour. Add more cinnamon until you get the desired color of doug.  May also add gingerbread potpourri oil for additional smell. Do not use a sealant uf you wish to have the gingerbread smell!.
  3. Knead dough well. Should be of about the same consistency as sugar cookie dough.
  4. Make ornaments – see instructions below.
  5. Place on baking sheet.
  6. Bake in the oven at 250 degrees for 20 minutes at a round until ornaments are hard – usually 3 to 5 cycles.  This process will take longer if you have free-formed shapes thicker than 1/4 inch.  Be sure ornaments are thoroughly dry. Stick a toothpick or nut pick into the back of the ornament; if it goes in, continue baking.
  7. Cool and then paint with acrylic paints or decorate.
    1. Mix glue with acrylic paint to make “frosting” for the sugar cookie look. You may need two or more coats.
    2. Coat lightly with craft glue and then sprinkle with loose very coarse glitter to “mimic” sugar sprinkles.
  8. After ornaments are thoroughly dry (let them dry overnight), spray them with clear gloss/satin enamel or multi-purpose sealer spray.


Ornament Directions

  1. Cut-out Cookies:
    1. Roll out to 1/4 inch thickness on a floured surface. If using impression cutters – roll the dough out a little thicker. The kids may use the unopened soda cans as rolling pins (flour them first).
    2. Flour the surface of rolled out dough (sprinkle flour on surface then spread out with your hands). This will keep the cutters from sticking.
    3. Flour cookie cutters.
    4. Cut out dough with cookie cutters.
  2. Free-form Designs:  Use dough as molding clay to free-form your own design or to mold attachments for cookie cutter shapes.  When making very thick (over ½ inch thick) items allow extra baking time.
    1. Tin solider (use an old fashioned clothes pin for the legs).
    2. Sheep.
  3. Attachments:  Use dough as molding clay to mold attachments.
    1. Add holly berries to a wreath.
    2. Add “coal” eyes & buttons and a carrot nose. to a snowman.
    3. Use the garlic press to make hair or wool.
    4. Add wool to a sheep (either cut out or free formed).
  4. Add hair to an angel or a beard to Santa.
  5. To attach pieces wet the dough and the attachment, then press together and hold together for 15 seconds. Do not move until water dries (place on baking sheet before adding attachments).
  6. Decorative Edging:  Use the rotary cutter to edge the “cookies” with a crimped edge.
  7. Hangers:  Pull open paper clips and break in half to make two hangers or use an ornament hanger to create a hanger for the ornament.  Insert into the dough BEFORE baking or hot glue to the back when ornament is finished.  May also use ribbon as a hanger. Or punch a hole in the dough at least ¼ inch from the border with a straw before baking and then use ribbon or twine as a hanger.


  1. Store in a temperature controlled climate, individually wrapped with tissue paper and these will last for years. I still have some I made in 1987 and they are in great shape.
  2. These may be made for any occasion.  Make hearts for a Valentine’s Day tree.  Spray paint a branch with lots of smaller branches white, let it dry, place in a flowerpot filled with rocks and hang hearts from the branches.
  3. Can serve as name tags on presents.  Print the “TO: and FROM:” on the front and the date on the back with a fine tip permanent marker.

Cookie Cutters: Not Just For Cookies Anymore! Post #1: Cookie Cutter Garland


The cookie cutter is the ultimate multi-tasker & team player of the household.  Able to bake, play, or craft; the cookie cutter should be the next “can’t do without” item you add to your list of “must-haves-around-the-house”!

Metal or plastic – – – large, small or teeny-tiny- – – theme, seasonal or just no special occasion- – – common or unique; there’s a cookie cutter out there for every occasion and use!

Cutters are lifelong treasures and can be handed down to future generations. They are ideal for making long-lasting memories.

And if we can but picture them in other places besides the kitchen we can have cutters in our homes and lives on a daily basis!  Change the way you look at the lowly cookie cutter and you’ll be surprised at how many times you grab one to brighten up your life!

Over the next month (or so) I am going to share some ways that cutters can be used in your daily & seasonal activities.  These are not necessarily novel ideas, but I have tried to put my own twist on them.


 USE # 1:

Cut-Out “Cookie” or Cookie Cutter Christmas Ornament Garland:  Purchase or make cookie ornaments from dough (clay; cinnamon, salt dough or bread), felt, foam, fabric, paper, etc. or simply use the cookie cutter it’s self – copper ones are very nice for this.  This is a great way to display those vintage cookie cutters of your grandmothers. 

  1. To make a garland first measure out the ribbon, cord, yarn, or raffia length to fit the purpose ot the garland (for the Christmas tree, banister, etc.).  Consider using a real or artificial; plain or lighted greenery garland (make sure that paper ornaments do not touch the lights); or a “cranberry” bead or apple garland.
  2. The next step is to attach the “cookies” or cutters evenly spaced to the garland.   Punch holes in the “cookies”.  Reinforce the holes in paper “cookies” with clear hole re-enforcers purchased from an office supply store.
  3. Place them about every 4 to 6 inches and tie them on with raffia or string them on the stringing cord alternating with red and green wooden beads (add mini wooden hearts, stars, or thread spools if desired).  Knot the stringing material between the “cookies” or cutters and beads to hold them in place.  Leave lots of bare stringing material and use the “cookie” garland to display Christmas cards.
  4. Tie on simple bows between the cookies/cutters and beads for added interest.  For a primitive or country feel use 4 to 6 inch fabric strips torn from a fabric that fits with the color scheme for your tree or décor (red gingham is nice),. Unravel the edges of the fabric to “frazzle” the ribbon. Then tie the fabric pieces to the garland with a loose double knot or tie shoestring bows with longer pieces.
  5. Attach a mini grapevine wreath to each end of the garland for an attractive way to hang the garland on a wall.

The garland can then be hung on the Christmas tree, staircase banister, wall, mantel, etc

Below are photos of some of the garlands you can create.  This is not all the variations by a long shot!  If you try this craft, please send me a photo and I will post it.  If you post your creation on your blog please stop back by and leave the url.  Thanks so much for taking a look at my crafts!
This Christmas garland is made with cookie cutters (can be backed with scrapbook paper – see the middle cutter), beads, wooden spools and distressed fabric bows.

This greenry garland is set off with cookie cutters. As you can see the green cutters do not show up as well and the scrapbook paper backed ornaments show up best. Tie the cutters on with ribbon or torn fabric strips. Adding some red berry clusters would really set off this garland. Consider using a lighted garland.

Add cutters and bows to a red bead garland. This would be great on a tree. Again, remember the green cutters will not show up as well on a green tree. Copper cutters would look very nice!

Gingerbread Snowflakes

Gingerbread Snowflakes

This ornament was inspired by the Puzzle Piece Snowflake I first saw on an on-line pal’s blog – Lisa’s Craft Blog.

Although I love her finished product my tree has a sugar cookie & gingerbread theme so I just had to make mine a “gingerbread snowflake”.

I really love how the snowflake turned out.  This would also be great on a rustic tree featuring bears, canoes, pinecones, etc.  You could also add pastel paint around the edges of the white “frosting” to further the gingerbread effect.

  1. Instructions

  2. I assembled my snowflakes using pieces from an “age 6 and up” puzzle and followed Lisa’s clear directions.  My snowflakes measure 4″x4″.  You can easily (and I did!) make snowflakes from smaller puzzle pieces and make smaller ornaments.
  3. After the glue dried I painted my snowflakes with Cinnamon FolkArt® Acrylic Paint.
  4. After the paint dried I daubed on white paint with a cotton swab to resemble frosting.
  5. I purchased a package of rusted heart garland at Hobby Lobby the day before I tried this project so I snipped off a heart along with some of the wire and curled the about 1 1/2″ long wires around the end of my paintbrush to create a curly-que.
  6. Because the back of the heart has a concave surface I needed to fill this “hole” in order to glue it on using foam glue (if you use a hot glue gun no filler would be necessary but I tend to burn myself) so I used the cotton that was saturated with glue from the cotton swab to pad out the heart. I added a little extra glue to the snowflake and put the heart in place.
  7. Then I snipped off another heart with wire tag ends and wrapped the wire around the sticky outie piece tab of top puzzle piece as a hanger.   Use a little glue to secure it.
  8. Optional:  Seal the ornament with several layers of Mod Podge or other sealeant.

Thanks for taking a look – drop me a line!


Gingerbread Ornaments: Clothespins & Cinnamon Sticks and Mini Fabric Wrapped Candy Canes

Gingerbread Ornaments & Mini Fabric Wrapped Candy Canes

The inspiration for these ornaments was a craft project, Gingerbread Min Clothespins, on Eyeballsbyday’s craft blog which is expertly written and photographed by Maggie.  As I didn’t have any mini clothespins on-hand I used regular sized ones. Also I don’t paint that well – I need LOTS more practice – so I punched some dots & hearts from craft foam for the buttons, found some mini googley eyes and some fine white cord to make the mouth.  I cut some “icing” from white craft foam with zigzag scissors. I painted the clothespins with FolkArt Cinnamon Acrylic Paint and let them dry.  Then I glued all the attachments on the clothespins and daubed on some pink checks.  I did try my hand at painting features on some of them using a toothpick for the brush.

The project also inspired me to make gingerbread men from cinnamon sticks.  Again I painted some and glued attachments on others.  I glued on a piece of jute for a hanger.

One of the things I have gotten for FREE on listia.com (a great site!) was some mini vinyl gingerbread men (Oriental Trading sells these).  Since I was making clothespins ornaments I thought, “Hey!, why not glue these bad boys on clothespins too?”  I did and they came out cute too.  I am wondering if they would look better on natural or white-painted clothespins.  I use E-6000 glue to attach the vinyl gingerbread men to the clothespins.  I used white glue first but the gingerbread men broke off when I pinched the clothespins to attach it to a tree limb.

The last thing I added to my mini tree were some fabric wrapped candy canes also inspired by a craft project on Maggie’s blog.  I really liked how the ones wrapped in white muslin and then wrapped with red rick-rack turned out.

Take a look and let me know what you think.  I’d love to hear from you!


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